Regintech Skype gateway connects with IPPBX to fulfill mobile
cloudy communication anytime, anywhere
Skype 7 or earlier version can
support SIP to Skype protocol, so employees
out of office can use SIP APP to
call office SIP account and then make SkypeOut call to save
money. Skype 8 doesn't support SIP to Skype protocol now. But
with Regintech FXS or FXO Skype gateway connecting with IPPBX,
employees out of office can call office SIP account via mobile phone SIP APP
and then make SkypeOut calls.
With Skype gateway, employees can make or receive Skype calls
via desk phones. When employees are not office, they can call
office SIP account and then make SkypeOut calls. After company
makes a small investment on Skype gateway, employees can have
a mobile cloudy communication anytime and anywhere to enhance

Regin Technology Corp. LTD.
Office: 886-3-5735360
Fax: 886-3-5739231
3F, NO. 41, Lane 42, Dongguang
Rd., Hsinchu, Taiwan
Web: https://www.regintech.com.tw
Skype: regin.skype