SkyATA, SkyBox
S1 latest software supports incoming Skype callers
extension dial and more functions for Speed dial
SkyATA and SkyBox S1 latest software release can
support incoming Skype callers extension number dial for PBX
application. Besides, this version enhances speed dial
function. It adds “Add new contact”, ”Delete
contacts” and set
contacts displayed in a sequential order based on Contact,
Skype ID or Speed Dial. With the new functions, user can find
specific contact more easily. Through “extension dial”
function, employees out of office can call back office via
Skype at free and talk to colleagues. It saves expensive
international roaming or mobile call fee.
Why we ask for software upgrade fee this time is partly
because Microsoft Skype 8 doesn't support developers any API
and it largely increases our software maintain efforts.
Another reason is we hope our customers know they can ask us
for help. Most customers don’t ask us for help when they
encounter problems to use our Skype gateway due to lack of our
contact or discomfort of calling us. Such customers might
complain Skype or Skype gateway is not very useful. Through a
small support fee, customers know our contact information and
are willing to ask us for help when they encounter any
problem. Our ultimate goal is to increase customer’s Skype
gateway utilization and satisfaction. Most users complain
Skype 8 GUI is hard to use than Skype 7, but Skype 8 voice
quality is much better compared with Skype 7. Enhanced voice
quality is a good benefit for Skype gateway application.
We also support SkyATA’s OEM models USB Dongle, SkypeKey,
SkyTrunk AND Skybox S1’s OEM models USBAdapter, SkyPeBX,
ST-1002. If customers with above products want to have
software upgrade for Skype 8, please contact Henry of Regin
Technology Corp. LTD.. His contact information is: Office
886-3-5735360 mobile 886-936071552, Skype account:, Email:
Thanks a lot!

calling Skype gateway, Skype callers can send Skype chat to
dial PBX extension. Callers can send Skype chat message
30 seconds before calling or when they hear company’s welcome
IVR annoucement. Sometimes, it is
to send Skype chat for PBX
extension when user hears company’s PBX welcome IVR. As below
chat message, Skype callers can send Skype chat message like “*123”
to the calling Skype account and Skype gateway will send
extension 123 to PBX.
For details, please check most recent products user manual
in our web site.

Regintech's Skype speed dial function make you easy to
call frequent numbers.
