Regintech Skype gateway SkyATA, SkyBox S1 and Sky911 Usage
Scenario setting
Regintech's Skype gateway products SkyATA, SkyBox S1 and
Sky911 all can connect with phone or PBX trunk port for Skype
application. After office phone system is integrated with such device, employees can pick up
desk phones to make or receive Skype calls. It is not
necessary for employees to install Skype in their own PC and
create security concern. With bandwidth control on the PC with
Skype gateway device, Skype call voice quality (16 bit versus
8 bit PSTN) will be even better than PSTN calls. It is easy
and economic to have Skype subscription on one single Skype
account. Employees out of office or company partners can use
mobile phone Skype to call office for free. Mobile
communication is much improved and it saves lots of money.
Microsoft doesn't provide developer's API for Skype 8.x. We
use two usage scenario settings to prevent possible user
interference of Skype calling status window to affect our
gateway's decisions of call existence. The
interference includes closing or hiding Skype call status
The first usage scenario setting is "Connect phone". This
setting is most suitable for users in front of the computer
when they use Skype gateway for a Skype call. Users can do
whatever with the computer connecting with Skype gateway. But
they need to
know when to put the phone hook-on based on the
call status when their
call parties hang up first. Gateway device won't generate busy
tone for such case. Users also need to make sure if the Skype
call is finished or not when they hang up the call first and might
need to manually finish the still in-progress call via Skype
GUI. The second setting is" Connect with PBX". This setting
assumes users won't interfere Skype call status window during
a call. It is prohibited to close or hide Skype call status
window during a call. If anyone controls the Skype call status
window during a call, the call might be incidentally finished
or call party might hear busy tone although the call is still
in progress. And the call might not be finished automatically
when user hangs up the phone. Users might need to manually
finish the call via Skype GUI.
Microsoft formally announced Skype 7.x service will stop from
November 1, 2018. Although Skype 7.x service might still
be available now for most users, but there are calling problems
between Skype 7 and Skype 8. Skype 8 has built-in audio and
video recording functions, much better voice quality
compared with Skype 7 and very easy ways to share files
with Skype contacts. If you have any problem about Skype 8
upgrade, please contact Henry Chou of Regintech. Henry's
contact: Office: 886-3-5735360, Mobile 886-936071552, Skype
account: or email: Thanks
a lot.
